Sunday, August 23, 2009

bowling shoes rock...

Picture bowling shoes.....
Picture new friends......
Picture good conversations......

Now, that's what I call Good Times!

Let's get together to catch up, reconnect, meet new friends, and recharge for the new Sunday School plan!

New series = New fun

Young Adults Bowling Night
Friday, August 28th
7:00 p.m.
Andy B’s
8711 S. Lewis

$4 per game
$3 shoes

The Parables of Jesus

Wow! Is it already August 23, 2009?

When it’s time to put away the tank-tops, swimsuits, and beach towels it must mean that fall is just around the corner! Yahoo! That means it’s time to get out your favorite team colors, your old college sweatshirts, that faded long-sleeved tee, and soak up the sun on a crisp fall day with the leaves falling off the trees! Oh, just thinking about that makes me super excited for this upcoming season.

I’m also excited to announce that we are officially gearing back up in Sunday School too! This summer we branched off a little and took a little hiatus from class, but we are back and ready to rock and roll! With careful discernment and help from Pastor Katie, we have chosen a new series called “The Parables of Jesus” to kick off our new year! This will be a wonderful series that should fit into our class very well. This is a six week video series that is written and taught by biblical experts-six professors with specialized areas of knowledge. Here’s a little statement about the series “Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from stuff of everyday life, His parables made the kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners.” Won’t you come and join with us on this adventure? This new series starts August 30th.

If you have taken a break from Sunday School, we’d love to have you back!
If you’ve stepped away because the series wasn’t what you were looking for, we’d love to have you back!
If you’ve not yet come to our group, we’d love to have you!

Our group is truly a mix of young adults: young married couples, young singles, working professional adults, some with children and some with no children. We are absolutely all in this for the same purpose, to glorify God and to make disciples by sharing God’s love one person at a time. Won’t you come join us on Sunday?

Let’s start this Fall Season off right, with new friends and new lessons to apply to our life! We’d love to see you here!

Currently, the room is in the Adult Sunday School Wing on the 2nd Floor (1st Room on the Left). There is a possibility that the room could switch. If there is a change, we will have signs on the door and will look to let everyone know of the new location.

I pray that you each have a wonderful week, and that you may touch the hem of his garment, and feel the love of Christ in those times of joy as well as times of struggle.

Blessings to you.....